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EFK Ambassadors

Bula Vinaka,


Edufiji Kidz is a way for me to give back to my beloved homeland, Fiji. When I was presented with the opportunity to help out with this charity that looks at supporting teachers and children, I jumped at the chance.


Kindergarten was a very special time in my life. Holy Trinity Anglican Kindergarten, awesome memories of friends, teachers and just a time where I could get away from home and start learning important life skills. Kindergarten gave me the opportunity to tame my inquisitiveness (which I tested at 94 on mindset attributes test) and gave me some real life basic lessons.


Which although seem very simple now, but for me it was what set me in the right direction on this journey we call life. For me having amazing teachers and the right syllabus to teach children at that time was the key.


Today, as a father and as many other parents around the world, all we want is the best early childhood foundation set for our children.


My children are privileged to be able to go to a kindergarten in New Zealand and I would like to see the same for children in Fiji.

This is why I firmly believe in the cause that Edufiji Kidz are standing for. 

Edufiji Kidz, get behind the cause! 



Patrick Osborne


Timoci Nagusa


It is indeed an  honour and priviledge to be part of this worthy cause that assists with helping give back to the children of my beloved homeland. Education helps everyone reach their potential goals.


I grew up in a Fijian village, where struggling and sacrifices were part of my daily life. It was these experiences that taught me life's most valuable lessons. 


For the last 9 years I have pursued my professional rugby career and I feel it's time  that I give back to the children in Fiji. I would like to help them to dream big and inspire them to know that nothing is impossible.


Fiji is a country that is known for their love of Rugby, I believe that through supporting a cause where children and teachers are empowered, it will inspire young children to pursue their dreams not just in sport but all areas possible.

"​Growing up in Fiji, we were granted the freedom of open rugby fields, safe neighborhoods and multi cultural friends.


I love that EduKidz Fiji wants to give that same freedom to the classrooms. Freedom to learn all that you want, question what you're curious about, grow at your own pace.Early childhood is the most important learning period in a child's life and EduKidz Fiji has a great vision. I'm proud to be a part of an effort to move Fiji's early childhood education further and provide the skills and resources to give our kids the best education possible."


Josefa Lilidamu - JAPAN


                                                                                     "Its the early steps that determines a child's future"


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